Newbie saying hello


Welcome to the site from Northern Ontario. Glad to have you aboard. Post some pics of your ride and tell us how you got it.... how long you have ridden it.

As to your countrymen who have been exiled... it appears you took the high road and they took the low.....
Welcome from West Michigan USA ! Tell us a bit about "The Life of Brian".
Sorry, couldn't resist . Glad to have you ! Alot of good, good people on this site.
Welcome. You have good riding weather over there right now?
Hello fellow Rocketeers. Im Brian from Perthshire in bonnie Scotland, I have a Classic, and just love riding it. Just found this site by accident, looks brilliant. Take care.
Welcome from Blenheim, New Zealand from one of those 'exiled' to the colonies!
Welcome Brian. I'm just north of Glasgow.