Newbie from Bulgaria

Aw shucks! Awesome? Never been called that before
The motorcycle schools sound like a very good system especially as the police are involved. Get to know what they look like, it will help you recognise them at a greater distance!!
Fuel consumption! Now that is a question to which you will get very mixed answers. Anywhere between 38 MPG to 12 MPG. There are too many variables involved to say accurately, everyone's bike is different along with their riding style. The longer you own a Rocket, the worse the fuel consumption.
Age of bike. The younger the bike, the more of the known faults or weak points will have been updated or removed. As for size, there doesn't seem to be any difficulty for those 'vertically challenged' or for those riders who are more generously proportioned.
Read through the various threads here and you will find a huge amount of information about the various aspects of the bike. Any questions, just ask! We have a really knowledgeable bunch on here so just ask away!
Good luck with your search and let us know what you find - must have pictures too - site rule!!

Welcome from western Washington state Ivo. It appears that you have a very good motorcycle training school there in BG.

Fuel consumption varies by rider and bike configuration. When my 2007 was bone stock I got around 40 mpg touring and about 34 around town. It dropped a bit when I installed the cat delete, TORs and HansO tune, partly because I was hammering the throttle quite a bit more.

And yes there were some problems in the early years. I never had anything like it on my 2007. I don't believe there are any statistics out there that disclose numbers of failures in those years out of the number of bikes manufactured. You read about it on forums such as this., such as percentage per thousand units. As others have suggested, get as new a bike as possible.

I have no idea what mileage I get on my 09 Touring because I've not taken the time to determine it, primarily because I don't care. I know it can vary wildly though. On local rides when I seem to be opening the throttle quite a bit, I get about 50 fewer miles per tank.

I hope you find your Rocket. They are a handful, especially for first time riders.
Welcome from Minden Nevada. A lot of those courses are difficult on a smaller bike. The rocket will be even more challenging. Keep in mind a lot of experienced riders see what there bike looks like on its side when they take these courses.
Good advice and also motrcycling basic 101 stuff, if anyone is not doing these basic steps please please please sell your bike before you hurt youself or others. The rocket is not what I would call a handful like any new bike you buy practise and get used to it, if at any time a bike intimidates you sell it right away.
Morning, all.

Thank you for all this info. It is very very helpful.

I will do all these things in practical course, because the main idea is to became a real skillful rider.

The courses are on smaller bike like honda hornet, i think.

As a friend of mine told me - you need to know the physical features of the machine, the city, the traffic, to get more practice on test-track by your own and to be careful when you get ride on the traffic, because no one will take care of you and your safety.

Good advise!!!!

I think that the best option for oil for this bike will be Motul Technosynthese for everyday use for the engine and Motul Fork Oil Expert for the shock absorbers.

About the filters - recommended ones are K&N and MANN for the oil and air. I have already use MANN on my car. They are German based, design for everyday use. but they are way too far from performance ones, like K&N.

Can you recommend filters for best performance in the terms of everyday use?

Someone tells me that there is a problem with the cluch, because is placed with the engine together and shares the same oil.

Is that correct?

Can you tell me the exact sizes of the front and rear tires, because there is few sizes - 240/50/R16 and 250/50/R16 for the rear and 150/70/R17 150/80/R17 for he front one.

Thank you all.

Wish you great day.

P.S. There are two types of motorcyclists - the drunk ones and the old ones. But there are no drunk old ones.
Welcome from Christchurch New Zealand.

Just ride as if everyone else on the road is going to hit and it's your job to make sure that they can't.
Use Motul 300V 15W50 4rt fully synthetic if its not 300V it will be a blended oil.

Tires rear OEM size 240/50/16 or as a alternate 240/55/16
Front OEM 150/80/17 most switch to a 140/75/17 which quickens the steering. Get used to her first and change the tires as they wear out. By then you might want to quicken her or as large as you are you might not need to.

Also you will need to carry a roll of duct tape with until your cheek muscles get strong enough to scowl again