New Ulm British & Euro Rallye - New Ulm, Tx

i was wanting to go for a decent ride this weekend, but wasn't real sure about going to a gyspy event. just wanted to ride......

As far as Bear and I looks like that in this heat and with his back the farthest he wants to ride is Luckenbach. And knowing him it would be early morning and back home before it got hot. So no fun here!
Have any ideas on a Saturday meet-and-greet? Have to look into something like that. Just a Saturday, meet up at some off-the-beaten-path restaurant or place for lunch or something.

i was wanting to go for a decent ride this weekend, but wasn't real sure about going to a gyspy event. just wanted to ride......

Maybe Bear just needs to get a Corvette... Still plenty fast, very cool, and has A/C! He'll be able to keep up with you (well sort of) and still be driving a cool ride!
I have toyed with that idea from time to time during these hot days, but.. not there yet, still like my Rocket too much, and can only justify one expensive toy..

As far as Bear and I looks like that in this heat and with his back the farthest he wants to ride is Luckenbach. And knowing him it would be early morning and back home before it got hot. So no fun here!

I can just imaging him trying to get himself out of a corvette . Would not be pretty. There is a three wheel thing he likes that is mostly enclosed with a/c. Wish I could remember the name of it. The name makes me think of a horse, I think. And the mpg is good on it too. But the cost on it will stop him from every getting one. I think there is one on display in Brady. Haven't stopped to look at it though.
My Xterra will be paid off next year. I was thinking I wanted a canary yellow Jeep. But I just got my newest Cycle World and guess who is in production again....Indian. They had pictures of two of the '09 bikes. But with this terrible rocky, washboard, sandy road I have to drive down every day going back and forth to work. The Jeep will probably still be my best bet for my additional new toy. But if the Swiss made GG Quadster that is listed in the mag was to get approved for highways in US I might be thinking of that too. Oh desisions, desisions....
Yep. and you might want to see if Indian is going to be in business in the next couple of years as well.. A jeep would be much better with your road/drive way.. Shoot.., you could give lessons to the rest of us on dirt biking with the Rocket..

I think I saw that thing you're talking about the last time I went to Sturgis. It's kind of a sporty car shape and seats two, with an open top? I believe it was Ford powered. Looked really cool!
Ok. I am pretty sure it is the Stallion by Thoroughbred Motorsports.

Pretty funny about the dirt riding on the Rocket. I remember a couple of years ago someone on the other site was saying the Rocket is not a good dirt bike. I wanted to say "Want to bet". I think I told him it could be ridden in that situation. Do you know he never responded to me. I know one person we ride with will not take his bike down our road. When I was first learning Bear asked me if I wanted him to take my back down to the highway for me and then back home. I said no cause I might as well learn how to handle it on this road now. It really does well, with exception of the huge pot holes we have right now. Just have to manuever around them. And when you hit the sandy areas you better have ahold of the grips good cause it sure grabs that front tire. We are trying to petition the county to take over maintanance on our road, but doubt it will get very far. Several years ago it was attempted and they wanted everyone to come up with lots and lots of money to build two bridges first.