Go to Google and type in "Motels Seguin, TX" A list of 10 hotels pops up right up front... You may be able to do better than the Holiday Inn below..
The Holiday Inn has rooms for $90 a night. I know that's not budget, but alot of the hotels appear to be already booked. You're also welcome to stay at my place. It's a 25 mile ride from my house to the rally, but you're more than welcome.
we were talking about going to the Aardvark rally in Seguin, TX this weekend, but Sunshine can't make it. She sounds like me.. lol It's only 25 miles from my house, so I may head out there tomorrow and atleast do their "fun run".. and maybe the bike show.. I'm single the this week and next.. so I can do what I want (as long as I get my chores done... and I almost have enough chorses that I should be staying home Saturday, but.. hahaha )