New Ulm British & Euro Rallye - New Ulm, Tx

Hope y'all made it to New Ulm okay and had a blast. The weather was perfect for riding! I didn't get to ride at all this weekend.
Yes We Did

We all made it (Goodfellow & Roni, Bohica, myself & Heather) Along with a couple other captions. Great bunch of people they are. Had a nice time saw some nice oldies and goodies took a ride threw the country side (poker run) it was a nice route with some very nice twisties. Greg and Roni gave us a scare, went threw a couple back to back curves looked in my mirrors and no greg though his dark side let him down in a turn but turned out I was having so much fun I missed the stop to pick up a card boy was i releaved.

Met another R3 owner (DOG) who has a very nice set-up which i will post pictures of as soon as I can remember to bring camera to work.

All in all we had a real nice time Greg and Roni or good folk, Sorry Bohica Heather say's the jury is still out on you

Hope we can all meet up again before Sep. TX hope your wife is well on to recovery.
new ulm

well Dave,
looks like paul said it just about right. i couldn't ask for better company than paul & heather. i sure didn't mean to spook any body when i went back for the cards'. at any rate, i'm so grateful to be able to do this sort of thing,i sure wanted to meet you and dawn. i'm hoping to see y'all real soon for a session near la vernia when you're ready. sounds like a neat place to try out the 205 went it comes in. i'll be scrubbing it in at lake mathis before then,just to be sure. i sure hope bohica can make eureka springs in the'll find his company to be nothing but enjoyable. he has a very good knack for making people laugh and smile,great sense of humor. we saw lonzol,rikrok(breifly),i saw him,then he was gone while i was talking with big dawg. the guy is quick. i also had the pleasure of meeting and speaking at some length with big dog.he'll put a smile to your face also. there was so much to look at,i just couldn't do it in one day. we'll have to plan for the whole week-end next year. roni had to get back and study for maymester this year. i took some pics and will post as soon as i can. give dawn our best, and i'll talk at you later........

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Sorry I had to scoot out of there. One of my stores found an employee in there after hours loading up his truck. So I had to run back to Houston to see if we could prosecute or not.

when it rains,it pours. may be we can all try again later. looks cool in purple though, what little time i had to glance at it . sure wanted to eye ball that striping.

hope the p.o.s. didn't rip off too much......

goodfellow, thank you for the kind words.
Paul tell Heather not to stay out to long it might rain and she'll get wet, waiting with bated breath for the verdict.
Had a truck driver dropping off some network equipment today. He saw my bike and said he was up at New Ulm and saw several other Rockets there. First time he had seen them in person..