Hold your tongue a real tradesman would never use a NV1500, my one is the NV2500HD no need for the high top and as Mike said I also have 73000 trouble free miles and that is the first tyre change.
Now is it ugly well I compare it to my two Rockets and one is not anty better looking than other
Thank you for the kind words as I have spent countless hours watching the wife work in the garden some bits are nice(lucky photo) some other parts need work certainly not BHG magazine material.
Glad you asked George and as a matter of fact I had to give him a bath a few months back as he came in filthy, I bathed him in the kitchen sink and if anyone ever tells you that a cats claw cannot stick into marble they are telling you porky pies for that little bas***d was sticking to the marble top like his life depended on it
Glad you asked George and as a matter of fact I had to give him a bath a few months back as he came in filthy, I bathed him in the kitchen sink and if anyone ever tells you that a cats claw cannot stick into marble they are telling you porky pies for that little bas***d was sticking to the marble top like his life depended on it