New Touring rocket 3

The new bike isn't a tourer no matter how you dress it. It isn't a sport bike. It isn't a cruiser. It won't sell well because it fits no category where it could best other brands. In my opinion it is overpriced, and needs a redesign to come close to succeeding.
I also enjoy the Rocket 3 Touring 2300 version. I enjoyed the tinkering of adding the hardware making a Dresser. The new R-3 GT is a great bike. My friend just got his last week. Maybe the sharpest cruiser I've ever seen. But don't act like it's a Touring bike for 2. Seriously, the 2nd seat isn't a place to set for a day long ride. Still, a real sharp bike.
I too would jump at the chance for a Touring model in 2500cc. Add 6th gear, gps, modern throttle control with cruise control. Sounds fabulous to me. Put a price tag around $28,500 and I'll purchase it.
Just a follow-up to the new 2500 cc models vs. Touring.
Looking at my buddies new bike, I have to be impressed with the fitment of the parts. My background is the auto industry. Mainly Assembly plants. I've never seen this quality of fastener placement. This new bike follows a high standard of quality control. This should show up in a great ride!
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I have nothing against Triumph making a touring bike featuring this motor. I just think it would have to be about a new bike from the ground up. They went way to the sport side when they remade the bike. I love power as much as the next guy but I am one that can live with "barcalounger" for my week long trips if I know I have a Rocket sport at the house when I get back.

If the money can be made they may give it a go.
I don’t understand the real need for all that power to putt around the country expecting a lot of comfort features. There are other bikes that already do that very well.
I don't understand why people need a collection of expensive watches when they already own a cell phone which keeps time very well.
I would hope to high heaven that Triumph will use a different frame just like they did with the original R3T. The current frame just won't do at all for that duty.
I would hope to high heaven that Triumph will use a different frame just like they did with the original R3T. The current frame just won't do at all for that duty.
Excellent point. The 08 R3T must have made quite a ruckus. Totally different than the original. The hp / torque settings must have seemed like totally different engines.
I would enjoy a"modern" bike with 6 forward, electronic controls, heated grips etc...
The most economical way that Triumph could get into the touring market would be to use the 2.5 engine, way cheaper than developing an entirely new engine. Put a touring frame around it and add the features that touring people want (no stereo for me please!) and I would be drooling for one.
If touring people can't be trusted with all that power, then just restrict the engine for us.

(Shhhhh, we'll find a way to derestrict it. Just don't tell the R and GT guys)
I think restricting it is a lame idea. Can some one please give the reasoning or logic behind that?