New to tuning.

How far are you willing to travel to get it dynoed? Do you have the AT hooked up?
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I don't know how to on my phone

At the top right are three icons sitting under the front tire of the pictured Roadster.
The first is a head & shoulders silhouette. Click it.
That will open a new page that has a list of activities that run down in a column at the left side of the page.
The third section title down is "Settings". Click on the first name, "Personal Details".
Near the top of the page is a place to add or change your avatar and custom title.
Further down is a box entitled "Location:" where you may enter your location.
Close to the bottom is a box entitled "Ride:" where you may enter your year and model motor.
There are other useful options on the page as well.
Have fun!
The first thing to do is get TUNEECU free from the net, then you can load a tune into the ECU, this may or may not need adjustment by means of the PCV to fine trim it , There is a good tune for your set up but you need to load it in with
what about auto tun anyone having good results?
Send me you e-mail address via a conversation and I will send you a god base tune (for ignition and derestricting the girl) plus my "Hanso AFR map" that will look after your fueling as long as you also fit the "Auto Tune" module