New to Triumph


Standard Bore
Oct 5, 2024
2022 Rocket 3R
Hi All,

Been on sabatical from two wheels since married 23 years ago. Kids are older, and life is steady. I saw a rockey and fell in love.

Started looking a few weeks ago and stumbled on a one-owner 2022 Rocket 3r with under a 1000 miles for 10k of list. Fell in my lap. Drove it four hours home an hour later. Still h r it on rain mode just to get used to the power.

No ode why someone would buy anything else.

Now it’s time to tweak it for me. I am 5’6”, so the R is a little tall, and the bars are a reach. So I’ll start woth a gt seat if i can find a cheap used one. I’f like to move the bars but that is a pretty expensive changeout.
welcome from Tucson Arizona USA
Welcome! First, check out "UserNameKate" who I believe is 5'4" and reviews bikes, and is smitten with the R and how it fits her well. The Rs seat puts rider closer to bars but higher off ground. Check if your R pegs are in higher or lower position. The GT pull back bars and adapter kit on R are worth it, if you feel you need. With GT seat might be the ticket for you at a price. I've got the GT bars and kit and getting GT seat to install on my R next spring for my old body btw.
Post some pics... we always love pics... Welcome aboard from Northern Ontario. This is a great forum with a ton of experience and great members. Have fun on the beast.
Welcome from sunny North Texas. Sounds like you'll be configuring the bike to suit. You can look into "lowering kits" which will drop the seat height a bit. One thing you have to careful of with those is also raising the forks in the triple tree to maintain rake and trail values so handling isn't adversely affected. Good luck.
Highly recommend a pair of high heels and some fingernail extensions it worked great for Dr D, welcome and enjoy the bike.
I’m so old I forgot I did that. To the OP I’ll say that’s coming back at the top.