New to Triumph

Unfortunately no. In my own ignorance, I expected a sunny drive to Minnesota in March. I woke up in the hotel to 6” of snow. Total bummer.

WELCOME to ya, Octopusy, from WA State!
That snow ride should not have killed it.
With a new used motor, I'd put in a new battery for GP. Then you know where you are.
You might consider adding your model Rocket and location under the avatar.
Coming home from Leakey last November:
Welcome to the site from New Jersey, Captain Octopus.

Replace that ponderous 150 tire up front with the Michelin Commander II 140/75 17 radial and the bike will feel 150-200 lbs lighter and overall handling, including low speed maneuvering, will be noticeably and vastly improved.

Enjoy the ride!
That picture alone is enough to get 5-20 in max security prison that is bike abuse like none I have ever seen
That picture alone is enough to get 5-20 in max security prison that is bike abuse like none I have ever seen

I deserved that poke!
Twas surely a dirty sucker to clean up the motor as I hit snow twice.
Once in the UT mountains & then Snowqualmie pass in WA was closed and I sat near the summit for two hours, where the pix was taken.
This was why:
Welcome to the site and the league of Captains. Yes you are now the proud owner of the largest production motorcycle in the world.

I think the trailer was a good idea.

Oh and as far as cleaning it is much easier using Pledge Multi-Purpose Cleaner.
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I deserved that poke!
Twas surely a dirty sucker to clean up the motor as I hit snow twice.
Once in the UT mountains & then Snowqualmie pass in WA was closed and I sat near the summit for two hours, where the pix was taken.
This was why:
Now that is some terrible parking can no one parallel park now a days?
Welcome from Maine, where we have lots of snow, but it's MELTING
Agree with others, should be OK after a few starts, if not a new battery is not such a bad thing, it'll give you confidence.

Hello Octopus and welcome from Virginia. I have a 2014 R3T and am on my fourth battery. When mine gets cold, say around 27F, it will not turn over properly and throws a code (check engine light on). Oftentimes, it will not start and the GPS (Gear position sensor) goofs up and the neutral light will not illuminate. Therefore, I must raise the kickstand and try again to start it as if it is in gear. When it does start this way, the check engine light stays on for 3 normal starts afterwards before it extinguishes. Or, it goes out after I disconnect and reconnect the battery. The cold temperatures drives me nuts when I can't start the bike because of it.
Another issue I have is that I do not deep clean the bike as often as I should. The battery cables are not up to snuff as it is and when they become dirty or corroded, they make it hard to start, especially in the cold. I have replaced my negative cable with two and that worked for a year and a half, now its time to replace them again and the positive as well. I am also going to upgrade my starter to a Toyota unit. Several others here have done so with great success.
Good luck brother!