New to the Rocket III experience

Welcome from NJ!
Nice riding you have up in bucks co!
Van Sant Airport is always a nice stop!
Hi RADZ and welcome to the forum from a resident (or what's left of it) of the British Isles. If it's money you wish to spemd on the bling and things, there is a multitude of people here to help yoy empty your wallet for years to come!! Beware, it's adictive and you will seccumb to the advances of the 'Wanton Beast'
Welcome from Morton, IL.
D.a.m.n. @Budski , I was just up in illinois the last couple weeks. I forgot someone close had a rocket.

But man other then construction I must admit the ride down here was the funnest one can have on a super slab. I swear you had to run 85mph in a 70 zone just to stay with traffic. Nothing like bobbing and weaving at 90mph talk about excercise

Anyway rad welcome to the nut house. You might as well sell the hardley, you have just been converted