New To The Forum And Want More Speed

That looks very painful.
Well left side multiple rib fractures, the left clavicle now has screws and a nice plate. Disloated shoulder creating a grade 2 shoulder ACL tear. And treated for DVT left lower leg. I was in pain but moble. Nothing to brag about except I remeber after traveling 50 yards further the the bike. I looked up at the sky with no face shield left on the helmet and said to myself **** I made it !!!

In retrospect I Wouldn't recomend it to anyone
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JA your first thing to do is test the bike as is. See if it is running correctly. The Dave Platte exhaust on it may or may not be the right pipe for the tune. Some neglect to re-tune after installing modified exhausts. Lets get you set up with TuneECU and a LoneLec cable so some testing can happen. Roadsters are limited to 125 MPH from the factory. And the early ones which started in 2010 had the TB restrictions in 1st - 3rd. There are several better canned tunes available for 2010 thru 2013 to download and bring your bike more up to date.