New to R3

Oh! How rude of me....
Welcome to the site Fatbloke....
and another Aussie welcome

check the plug at the other end of the wires coming from the head light, lift the tank, remove the plastic frame cover and follow the wires where it goes under tank on the right hand side the plug should be there as well as the one from the other headlight, pull the plugs and check for signs of corrosion of signs of overheating if all is good put them back together but make sure you put some dielectric grease in them and check the light again.
Also check the wire insulation sheath where they come from the head light and thru the maze behind the lights, check for signs of stretching or pinching it sounds like there might be either bad connection or a partially broken wire
That's what my logic is saying with out seeing the bike, hope it helps
Rockets going back to the dealer to be sorted out as i can't find the fault. Changed bulb and checked earth but still the bulb is glowing orange.

must be wiring to .........???hmm nup

let us know what they find
reason I am suggesting to check wires and connectors is if all the bar one or two strands of wire is broken there would not be enough voltage to properly light up globe same with bad connection in plug causing a voltage drop

Thanks everyone for making me welcome on your site, and for all the advice on my big glowing bulb. lol. Nice to know you all have a good sense of humour.