Rocket Dog

Standard Bore
Jul 18, 2011
Harwich Essex UK
Hi all
Ive just joined R3 Owners. I have a 2007 Rocket 3 Classic and enjoying every minute of it here in the UK ( weather permitting )
I have loads of chrome extras on the bike but I am currently looking for a set of front & rear clear indicator lenes ........ anyone can help where I can get them :rolleyes:

Thanks Terry
Nick is it you, Ro6ert, or who that makes them?
No wait a minute, it's the guy that ice races his Rocket ain't it?
somebody will be along directly to fill in the blank,
but in the meantime, WELCOME to the site.
'07 Classic huh?
Good choice.
Stock or modded?
lets see her and again, welcome.
from the heart of deepest,darkest Oklahoma
land of rocks, red dirt and horney toads.
oh yea, tornadoes and 100 degree days too.
a fascinating place, really.....:eek:

EDIT: Par, I think it's Par who races his Rocket on ice and makes the clear lens.
One of them crazy Swedish guys....
Welcome aboard. You might also look into the .com site and ask your fellow Brits where they get theirs. Enjoy.
My opinion, Triumph chrome is crap these daze!

Years ago, outsourcing and profit motives were a wild imagination of those corporations which didntgiva****, and now we all see why integrity must matter.

Nowadays, these crimanals are normal and polically connected everywhere.

BE SURE to apply regular waxes. Triumph chrome wont last long without regular waxings.

Welcome to the site.

personally, I want a full set of red lenses.