New to me Rocket III

I bought my first one new way back in 2005, my second a 2011 roadster with the carpenter 210hp kit came along in2014, last but not least my 2018 Roadster came along 2018
Welcome from the big city of Henryetta Oklahoma. (Your kind of young for a Rocket Owner)
We had a guy who went under the name Medic attend an RAA event at MV many years ago and he was also a youngster as was his lovely girlfriend
hello timmy. welcome from poland
Welcome to the site Timmy. The Scot is right on that tire size. I went both ways on the front. The manufacture recommendations are better for me. A smaller front makes it dive wrong. Your rear choice will beat that square tires performance.
Oooh cool! I've seen Carpenter Rockets on YouTube out-dragging Hayabusas on the highway, those are really serious bikes... Probably too much bike for me, but I sit in awe of the people who would seek to tame such a monster!
He's actually a member here, but he won't claim that video for legal reasons.

Welcome from south Louisiana USA.
Thank you Priam!

The manufacture recommendations are better for me. A smaller front makes it dive wrong. Your rear choice will beat that square tires performance.

That's reassuring to know. I may play around with it later but "diving wrong" sounds pretty disconcerting. Geometry messes with a lot of things and, without wanting to disrespect anyone who has put a lot of work into figuring these things out, I trust the Triumph engineers more than internet research. Especially before I'm super comfortable with the way the bike moves.

He's actually a member here, but he won't claim that video for legal reasons.

That's fantastic, there are obviously some seriously talented, devoted and cashed-up people around here! I feel like a black sheep being a young fella on a tight budget
Budget be damed once the mod bug bites you.
Even a stock R3 has an advantage coming out of the hole against a sport bike. On a Carpenter R3 even a fat old man like me hurts the feelings of the sport bikes on a roll on in a straight line.
Budget be damed once the mod bug bites you.
Even a stock R3 has an advantage coming out of the hole against a sport bike. On a Carpenter R3 even a fat old man like me hurts the feelings of the sport bikes on a roll on in a straight line.

I have a Bonneville at home I've already tricked out to my heart's content; If I find out this R3 I've just bought is as reliable I'm sure I'll end up doing the same thing to that. Not sure that the R3 is really equipped to be turned into a scrambler... But that might not stop me trying
I wish these tyres would hurry up and arrive already, I was hoping to come home and find them waiting on my doorstep, now I'm just getting impatient. Seeing the bike sitting on a trailer not being used while I wait to take it to the shop is making me sad
Especially now that work is shutting up shop for covid - that's valuable riding time dammit!
That's fantastic, there are obviously some seriously talented, devoted and cashed-up people around here! I feel like a black sheep being a young fella on a tight budget

You surely are not the black sheep here; here cover the bases well I think. As for talents, mine don't matter here (who needs a Gigalo in this crowd), I am devoted to riding though (you too can be in that category, and maybe the first too, what do I know) and at 72K miles on my bike, I think being an older non-cashed up guy is close to the norm; I have only two weeks ago added the simplest RAMAIR mod, my full Viking exhaust is being built now. Evidently, some things work great OEM and others need time to save for...