New to me R3R has ruined riding.

Well said.

Welcome to the site. Congrats on getting that Triumph.
Welcome from Christchurch New Zealand.
We had our monthly club ride last sunday (Triumph Riders Motorcycle Club NZ)..Canterbury Chapter...We had 17 bikes so was a good turn out.
One of the guys has three Triumphs including a 2009 (i think?) Rocket but is considering selling all three and getting a new gen Rocket 3. All three bikes satisfy different wants and needs he likes in a bike. He was quizzing me on my Triple Black so i said 'Here, take it for a squirt!'..he at first declined as he dosnt like riding other guys bikes but he is an experienced rider and i talked him into it.
He was gone for maybe 20 mins and when he got back and lifted his visor he had this huge grin on!...'How the hell do you still have your Drivers licence' he said!..'That's insane!'....He couldn't believe the difference between his 2009 Rocket and the Triple Black...i explained that it does have a new exhaust system...DNA filter and a good tune in it and did he give it a handful at all?..'Well yes...i did!' he said....'Bloody hell!'...'It fair snorts!'....'Geez!'
Our president rides an 'R' model and he let Jason ride that on the way homeward...he rode it maybe 180kms so got a good feel for it. He likes the feet under him as compared to the feet forward of the GT.
His other 3 bikes are now on the market and he is taking a secondhand 'R' model with 1700kms on the clock for a test ride in the weekend!
I guess we all know whats gonna happen!
Thank you for the warm Kiwi welcome.
I think that you will have another convert within your ranks, soon.
Most experienced riders will enjoy these girls for what they are. Obviously your not going to buy one to do track days with, although there are videos of them on track. But, the grin factor and all round capability, plus the fact that I don't find her as cumbersome as some reviewers portrayed, moving around garage etc, makes for an all around everyday bike.