New Thunderbird

If you don't walk in wearing Harley fashion, they pretty much ignore you here too. I just reciprocate.

Or you get harassed if you are wearing clothing of another brand. It was late October last year and I was riding with a buddy with a CVO who had to stop at the dealer for something. I was wearing my heavy Triumph Endeavor jacket (which is one heck of a jacket btw, but that's another story). I have both a Triumph and Harley patch on this jacket because I still have a 2000 Fatboy that I'll likely never part with. There's a younger sales guy staring at me and he says... Triumph and Harley, how does that work? He said it with attitude of course. I said it works just fine because I own both, a Rocket 3 and a Fatboy. I assumed the conversation was over, but no. He then says, why don't you trade the Triumph on a new Harley? Already annoyed by his attitude I responded with sorry, the Rocket is 10 times the bike of anything you have on the floor. He had a look of horror in his eyes, then shook his head and walked away. There is no need to be a dckwado.
On the RATT forum, people have stopped talking about new T_Birds for several months now. However, I did read in one of the moto-rags recently to be looking for an announcement soon about a new T-Bird 2021 or 2022.

But now to the other topic of this thread:

A tale of three HD dealers:

1. Whitt's in Manassass, VA- When looking for a new bike, I came in with my gear, told them my story and they started tossing keys at me telling where great roads were where I can "Really Open Them UP". Nobody I know who trades with them has ever offered a negative word about their customer service.

2. Patriot HD in Fairfax, VA- When looking for a new bike, I came in with my gear, told them my story and a salesman grabbed his helmet and said follow me brother. Off we went on a short and spirited ride through heavy traffic. Two of my workmates trade here and have nothing bad to say about the dealership.

3. Quantico HD (Formerly East Coast Harley) in Triangle, VA- When looking for a new bike, I came in with my gear, told them my story and spent the next two hours listening to the sales manager tell me how important it is to use HD finance, (I had my own already), the need for me to upgrade the bike now and to get new riding gear and to buy the various extended service plans and roll it all into the price. Heck, after two long hours, I never even got to hear the bike start.

That was back just before I bought Brahma in late 2013. Flash forward to now, and the attitudes of the three dealers remain unchanged. I will frequently visit motorcycle dealers just to see other bikes. This year I have been to all three of these; when in Whitt's, the first thing a salesman asked was, which bike do you want to ride first. Patriot was busy when I came in but the girl in front asked me if I wanted coffee while I waited for a salesman and if I was looking for any particular bike. In both cases I rode Brahma up to their place and did not get any attitude from them.

When I rode up to Quantico HD, I got the HD cold shoulder for sure. The last two times I have been there, I have not spoke to a single person inside or out. The staff just look at me like "You ain't from around here are you"? I walked inside looking for a new RoadKing and found none. I sat on a Heritage Special and no one came over. I started to sit on their "Special" build bikes (giant front wheels, $55K) but honored the 'do not sit' sign. Still, I grabbed the bars and turned the wheel just to get a feel for it. Nothing, not one person said squat to me so out the door I went.
My oldest bought me a leather vest and the generec 'lone wolf no club' patch that's around for fathers day some years ago.. I'm an only, last name is wolf and I do prefer riding alone, so I go to the hd parts to get something for my lowrider and the kid behind the counter starts freaking out about my vest, says thats Indian Joe's patch and I have a lot of nerve wearing it. I was a bit surprised so it took me a couple seconds to reply. The patch is generic now are you gonna get me my f u c k i n part or what. kids, Back when most of us were coming up wanting and owning harleys meant something, now that meaning is so diluted and the lack of performance in all areas make a hard argument to own one anymore.