New TFC price

I must admit, the touring model is a real beauty in my eyes. Shame they dropped the HP on those models. I know they can be tweaked back up, but why did they do it in the first place. Maybe they thought only old geezers would buy the touring, I dunno. Sometimes Triumph's thoughts are unpredictable.
I think the new TFC is much
My guess would be they figured it would be two up most of the times its road.
I don't know if it's related. But yesterday I learned that "baggers" in general are being restricted to comply with some USA legislation regarding crosswinds with luggage.

Discovered this when my mate with a Guzzi workshop had to explain it to a guy with the MGX21 Guzzi.
btw @mexican who I know has a soft spot for the MGX21 - If you get one; take the CF spoke covers off the front wheel - they are sails.
No where to get one here locally anymore, all good brands are abandoning Tulsa for some reason
Re Touring, someone once said there were no high speed tires, personally I suspect they knew about high speed weave, stock configuration I never experienced it, topped our around 110.
I love the Touring, especially tickled I got a blue one. I sure have put a lot of stuff and elbow grease into it. I also love the Classics. I was looking at those for around two years. I did not like the newer roadster because the foot pegs were too far back. But what I like about the older ones are 1) the 240 rear tire, 2) Dual gauges, one a tachometer, 3) the wheels, and 4) the power... whereas the Tourings were de-tuned.

The one I ended up with and kept an eye on for a season had a price drop at the dealer, so I grabbed it. But when I see the roadster and/or classics with the forward foot pads and all I get a bit jealous of those. Drives me nuts with knowing I'd never give up my Touring.
Re Touring, someone once said there were no high speed tires, personally I suspect they knew about high speed weave, stock configuration I never experienced it, topped our around 110.
Mine trashes 120, gets to the display window and that’s when challengers get me, not long in 5th that’s why I’m jonesing to go to the 200hp club to stop that nonsense, woodem all to 5th then the bad boys get me, it hurts