new Texas law outlaws filtering/ lane splitting

in a ford escape with 310k on the ticker... its back roads in some places in MD cops just want quota, like always i just show up via call in for court date and have it dropped.
I would’ve argued that you weren’t capable of doing 45mph in that car!
I would’ve argued that you weren’t capable of doing 45mph in that car!
al seriously the cheapest most reliable easy to work on 04 escape POS ever. i don't think i spent more than 5 grand on her, got it for $150 cash, used engine and new trans at 210k sold it for 3100 3 months ago..
that $ was the $ i spend on the cobra pipes for the rocket and ram air and some other stuff, polishing for the nighthawk.... i know, rant over!
I was on a trip in Wyoming, we were cruising at 90, like everyone does out there. I saw a car at the side of the road way off in the distance, just in case, I took the cruise control off and cruised by about 80 mph ( speed limit 70 mph). Sure enough, a cop with radar. I nodded, he didn't move, I didn't think too much about it, but after the next rise, when I was out of sight, I figured it wouldn't be a bad thing to put some distance. I was on my K1200GT, I set the cruise control at 130 for around 15 minutes and just enjoyed the scenery. This area was so remote, there weren't even telephone poles, no driveways or intersecting roads. I knew my buddy's bike topped out at 122, so I slowed to 70 to wait for him. Eventually I saw him come over a rise a mile or more back, but it was odd, it looked like his headlight was blinking. It was the darn cop. He asked me what I topped out at, I said I didn't notice, he said he held 125 mph for 15 minutes and never caught sight of me. He said I had you on radar at 81 in a 70, and wrote the ticket for that, thank God. When he was leaving he thanked me for not running, said I appreciate that, I told him I'm too old to run. Second time a cop thanked me for not running, gave both the same answer. Other time the cop clocked me at 75 in a 45, said I can't write you for 30 over, they'll crucify you, how does 54 in a 45 sound? I've always been super lucky with cops, way more breaks than I deserved, but I always yes sir and no sir them, I think it makes a difference.
Had a very similar experience. On my K1200RS outside of Globe AZ. Going thru some twisty parts, came around a bend and the radar detector went off, full on. Cop in the oncoming lane. As he passed I checked my mirrors and saw his lights come on. Around the next bend was a dirt road. I turned into the road, made a u-turn and parked next to the intersection. He came flying up, slammed on the brakes and pulled over. Told me he clocked me at 20 over the limit and said he couldn't believe I stopped. Wrote me for 10 over. Don't remember the exact limit, but back then at least that amount over was considered a 'waste of natural resources' and not speeding. No points.
I know this is all off the point but I have to share this as well.
Left a friends house from playing board games to go to another friends place, he drives a 2018 718 Cayman In Miami blue, I'm in my 260hp VW mk3 TDI that rolls coal. At a light at 11pm in the back roads somewhere. I rev, he does not, light turns green I coal roll and wheel spin a sick burnout and the lights com one..... he drives by laughing out the window to me and the officer.
Officer comes to my window and says have a nice night be safe, that was awesome how you showed up that prick in the porsche.... no ticket....
Another one, just 6 months ago in a car, coming from Tampa Airport, divided highway, like an interstate, empty, came around a curve and there's radar. Cop was super nice, and pretty funny. He said well, I clocked you at 86, but you hit the brakes and got down to 79, which ticket would you prefer? I said 79, please, he said" an excellent choice sir, excellent choice", and explained if I did online school, no points or insurance upcharge. Before he left he said" you know, if you were going just a little bit slower, I wouldn't be standing here ".
Is Sonny back on the forum? Only one right opinion and never gets a ticket? Post count going up arguing?