new Texas law outlaws filtering/ lane splitting

I guess you are in favor of making it illegal for those who own motorcycles to consume alcohol.
It's just not worth the risk!
no, definatly not. refer to an earier post! I would be in favor of better rider education and making all DL be a 2 year manditory 3 day class certification before implementing some prohibition-esc athoritarian bill of rights violationg BS laws... splitting lanes laws are the ONLY laws that go AGAINST the saftey of others on the road. im not talking about filtering, or red light laws... just lane splitting. facts dont lie... if there were better rider and driver programs like say in germany how it costs 2700 just to get a licence and it takes 2 years and is supper strict... then yea... who needs painted lines or traffic signs... IMO all the stuff on the road (signs, lights, lines) is for legality of who is at fault and does NOTHING to stop or prevent any non saftey stuffs. There was a great study done where they took all the stop signs away and people drove safer knowing that there was more risk. Im oversimplifying for the point...
Lane splitting has in some studies shown a reduction in the accident rate for motorcycles, but there are some serious cavaets...

CA splitting is not what those studies are based on, they're based on EU style splitting, where it's done with a minor speed differential and only below certain speeds.
WA passed a bill (but it was never ratified) legalizing filtering at 25mph and below on the left shoulder during traffic, it makes sense and creates no additional collision liability. It also prevents motorcycles from sitting in stop and go 3mph or less traffic for hours while the driver behind them entertains themselves on a phone and then "OOPS I thought we were moving, sorry about your now totaled motorcycle and minor front end damage on my truck".

THAT all said:
If I want to split, I'm gona split, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me. None of my bikes can be caught if I decide to not be caught...

Some drink and ride. I do not.
Some ride in shorts and flip flops. I do not.

We all chose our own risks. If anyone speeds at all, I don't want to hear 1 fing word about splitting/filtering lol.
I've not had to run in ages, like 13 years or more. Cops here won't pursue over 90. I generally cruise at 90 so...they don't even turn on the lights.

Last motorcycle cop with a speed gun had me at 113, just shook his head as I flew past.

Those times when I do get lights for like a 75 or 80 in a 70 or something, I own it lol. Usually stopped waiting for them before they've even gotten up to speed.

I will say, I do not appreciate when I'm going 5mph in traffic in a cage and bikes come by at 50+.

Simply put, if I wanted to change lanes, sight lines in dense traffic are so constrained even a driver who knows to look down the paint line (as I do) can easily miss a bike and create a collision.

Onnnnthe other hand, when I'm riding alone... When people camp out in the fast lane going exactly the speed of the car in the right lane with no attempt to slow 1 mph and get behind, or speed up 1mph and get in front and it's been more than a minute or two....they get an earful of screaming pipes.
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i got pulled over once for going like 90 on my ninja, cop gave me a firm warning saying that he would have given me a lot more but because i pulled over immediately into a safe area. i also have been busted for 5 over in a 40 zone in back roads... depends on the cop and how much of a quota... i heard it best by them saying, we dont peruse, because we will just get you down the road when you become a statistical smear
5 over ticket? That’s a brilliant way to train a motorcyclist to never stop again.