You just made that up. It took you 9 minutes to type out and respond to my post. You did zero research and just made your conclusion up. Come on man, you're better than that.
Is lane splitting and filtering more dangerous and detrimental to others than speeding? Not that a rocket rider would ever speed putting others at risk.
i belong to arizona abate and they fight for mc rights like how high you bars can be (do i want ape hangers no) but i will stand behind those that do.
we just passed filtering with rules and if the riders dont mess it we may get lane splitting.
anyway we vote for riders right to choose
You just made that up. It took you 9 minutes to type out and respond to my post. You did zero research and just made your conclusion up. Come on man, you're better than that.
I don't make things up.
17% of all motorcycle accidents in CA are from lane splitting in CA. Considering that 25% of all accidents are from alcohol related, 17% is a big number. But still small compared to all moto accidents. When was the last time you were in a minor collision.
Our cayenne had a off road meet and greet with a big rock and a tree limb. Minor damage. Minimum repairs were 9k. Over what the car is worth. Just replacing a door on a normal $40k car with 50k miles is enough to exceed 80% of its value.
My escape has a motorcycle hit the door 3 years ago in a parking lot. Guy tipped over a bagger at HD. Total cost from a auto shop was 5k.. I junkyard fixed it for $100... but from an insurance standpoint most minor collisions where 2 moving bodies meet (usually I'm traffic) exceeds the total loss value.
I've been down this road 12 times in the last 20 years with insurance bs. I can put 2 and 2 togeather.
Lane splitting has no reasonable justification compares to damage that cam be done when it is done and obviously loss of life.
while you may mean well and you don't know me... be rest assured I don't talk bs.
Yiu can conclude whatever risk assessment you want but from my chair taking nessasary risks to save a few bucks and a few minutes is a liability that i dont want anyone to risk my or my loved ones person or personal property.
We have traffic laws for a reason and lane splitting is one of those back kn the day bs laws that has no right to be legal anymore.
I don't make things up.
17% of all motorcycle accidents in CA are from lane splitting in CA. Considering that 25% of all accidents are from alcohol related,
Seriously? You just keep making things up. 7% of accidents involve alcohol use and 2.25% are intoxicated driver involved and not 25%. Per NHTSA. By the way. I'm out!
Seriously? You just keep making things up. 7% of accidents involve alcohol use and 2.25% are intoxicated driver involved and not 25%. Per NHTSA. By the way. I'm out!
You are the one making things up and or getting things confused. Please stop bantering and look things up before you go on a keyboard warpath
well id love you to stay and chat, just don't call out things you assume are wrong. Maybe take your own advice and google for 5 seconds before trying to shoot down some facts you disagree with on a non informed personal level.
Its about half fatalities are alcohol involved for motorcycles, about 1/4 or 28% are those who are involved with another driver who was at fault due to intoxication.
you are thinking 7% is those who are BELOW 0.08... aka the legal limit... so maybe thats why you where confused. Additionally, 7% or 305 of motorcycle riders who died in traffic crashes had a BAC that was below the .08% legal limit.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) calls motorcycle crashes complex events that involve a human, vehicle, and environmental factors, which makes sense because that’s also the case with standard car accidents. The NHTSA goes on to say that while there’s no such thing as a...
“In fatal crashes in 2013, motorcycle riders involved (killed and survived) in fatal crashes had higher percentages of alcohol impairment than any other type of motor vehicle driver (27% for motorcycle riders, 23% for passenger car drivers, 21% for light-truck drivers, and 2% for drivers of large trucks),” according to Traffic Safety Facts
Is lane splitting and filtering more dangerous and detrimental to others than speeding? Not that a rocket rider would ever speed putting others at risk.
i would say its not MORE dangerous than... its actually fairly safe to do, its just not worth the risk to the rider and to others. Its the risk reward deal... is saving a few minutes worth the risk of death or serious injury however slim it may be.
I don't point a gun loaded or not at anything ever unless im willing to destroy it, and im 100% confident that i am not going to discharge it but that's not the point. the consequences are that you have a 17% chance of being in a lane splitting incident... LOW... the odds of being in a car crash in general are like 1:350 something.
The chances of me blowing off my hand at the shooting range is not 0... but its nearly none but we don't take chances.
Motorcycles are one of those... we accept the risk. if you are willing to pay out over your death and the injury to another person and property, then by all means go split lanes, point guns at things, and take risks that have dire outcomes, no matter how small they may be.
In fatal crashes in 2013, motorcycle riders involved (killed and survived) in fatal crashes had higher percentages of alcohol impairment than any other type of motor vehicle driver (27% for motorcycle riders, 23% for passenger car drivers, 21% for light-truck drivers, and 2% for drivers of large trucks),” according to Traffic Safety Facts
Yea that one of them, but mostly all my "info" is from the 4 riding classes I have had. 1st was with HD for the MSF course, then I took a advanced class here in CO at Arapaho CC, I took a defensive driving course 3 years ago, it was for cars but it had 3 days of class work and one of those was about motorcycle awareness (the BULK of my knowledge) and the last course I just took was a private motorcycle class for advanced skills 2 taught by the Denver Metro retired police. Right place, right time. Best $200 bucks I ever spent! I retain information enough to remember enough facts to get close enough to the point. I would have to look things up to get exact numbers but all you need to know is that if you don’t drink and ride... that 1/4 of the accident statistic GONE, don’t split lanes, that 1/6 gone, drive during the day... so on and so forth. The argument to why riding a motorcycle is actually safer than the normal argument goes at the water cooler.