New Tail Tidy

Hey , Frosty Rider ; I like the front and the rear turn indicators appearance as they are positioned. The reason I want the tidy tail is not so much for aesthetics - as the problem I continue to encounter with the rear turn indicators being bashed due to their relatively low mounted position. They are the first thing that most folks run onto when walking around my R3! I have fixed them many times --- and the bike is only sitting in my garage ! I am in hopes that the higher mounting position will alleviate my problem ..........
I would just put a sign in the garage. "Don't run into my chit"!

You need to at least park it out side to give it some fresh air
Then sit on it
Then go for a ride
Totally agree. I must be the only #2 person who prefers the stock units.
The oem signals on mine are not the round ones, they are the horizontal thin style. Mine is a U.S. model.
You need to at least park it out side to give it some fresh air
Then sit on it
Then go for a ride
I do one of the three choices ! I can't take it out for air due to the air around here this time of year being frozen like everything else. I dare not ride the bike for the same reasons.
Just know that I do sit on my little R3 to keep it warm and to please me !......It does get some attention in winter---but not as much as in the warmer weather!

I guess the cold weather is the downside of living in the beautiful city of Reno. I purchased my 07 rocket in Reno and drove it back to Tucson.