Again, his never happend after the starter swap. It happend imidiatly after I swapped the battery, about 30 starts or so and most of them a cold start. It's not the starter.
So now it's been getting more operatic with some times it taking 3 or even 4th attempt to get it to start. And some times right kn the 1st try....
eventually I feel it's just not going to start. I'll have time to mess with it tomorrow.
I think I need to do a valve adjust asap. I just started having a cold running clunking tapping type of sound. Just started the last 3 cold starts. Goes away when warm.
So yea.... I'm just going to pile into a full maintenance day tomorrow
The #1 question that I dont know the answere to is .... what runs off the relay? Does the fuel injectors? Coils? Ect.