New Starter rebuild and new battery.... ISSUE with starting... baffles me... will not start on 1st crank attempt

I would still bypass existing battery with a known good battery just to eliminate it from being the problem.
i will. i just ... and no one else can tell me WHY a battery that is tested and in perfect working order (308CCA out of the 310) at when it was tested off the shelf of 12.69 volts, charged on the drive home and put on a maintainer and tests at 12.94 volts after running for a while, would be the issue, not the cause. I know it could be a vow or high voltage issue that needs to be solved by fixing problematic relays connections etc... but the battery may NOT be the issue. and if a good battery replicates this when a old bad battery does... then why bother testing the battery when we know its probably fine. Im a man of coincidences.

im totally swapping it with 2 other batteries i know work on other bikes and this one.
You stated that you were able to get 308 CCA out of the new battery. What did the voltage drop too at that amperage? For the sake of the readers who don't know, simply pulling max amps from a battery without noting the voltage drop means nothing... You also stated that the voltage was 12.69 (assuming at rest) which is good. What we need to know is the voltage of the battery when starting or under a typical load. From my experience the battery should be sized such that it doesn't drop below around 10.5 volts while cranking. I've seen new batteries give a good resting voltage of around 12.6 volts and drop down to below 9.5 volts while cranking indicating a bad or discharged battery, a starter that's failing or a seized engine... Typically it was a defective battery which was failing internally (talking new here) under load. Since everything worked with the old battery and the only change was to replace it... ???? Was there any other thing done to the bike when you replaced the battery?
I will 1st say that having to much voltage is not a problem on the rocket.
the reason for us telling you to a check the battery is because if we had ten dollars for everytime someone( after ten pages of try this and try that the change the battery then it actualy starts up and runs good) all of us could party for a month.

personally i beleive that this is going to be a long line of checking this and that until finding the problem. i don't think that nobody has ever checked more circuits than i have to narrow down the componets than me i have got pages on the computer like how to check the fall detection switch ect.. i think i know whats wrong with my bike but still need to replace parts to confirm.
Its not the battery.
I just tested it.
Ran yesterday for a few hour ride
Today cold it is at 12.99 volts.
Cranked it for like 15 seconds with the issue. Low of 10.8ish volts but stayed at about 10.98 volts while cranking.
I'm making a video to clerify everything. I'm swapping relay today and doing some over view of the wireing.

It's not a high voltage issue I'm sayin as it is like the post above said worn relay due to bad battery before. It cant handle the new one.
i am glad you tested it so as to get that out of the way
i don't think that the relay will help but it is best to replace it.

ok i am going out on a limb now
so i think that you have a choise as to what to do next ( i think that you have some bad coils so you could replace the 3 coils)
or you can get a dwell meter to monator the ecu firing the coils.
I would not be surprised if I did. I have a miss fire in 2nd gear not all the time by usually at wot some times at part throttle only once... like a hickkup but it's been like that for a long time since I got her.
I would not be surprised if I did. I have a miss fire in 2nd gear not all the time by usually at wot some times at part throttle only once... like a hickkup but it's been like that for a long time since I got her.

these rockets have a problem with the terminals loosing their crimp and becoming lose and causing misses.
I would not be surprised if I did. I have a miss fire in 2nd gear not all the time by usually at wot some times at part throttle only once... like a hickkup but it's been like that for a long time since I got her.
I had an issue I chased for 2 years, it would run ok for a while when warmed up it would start running really rough, turned out it was dropping a cylinder out. Recrimped the wires a couple times. Finally I bought a set of used coils from Pinwall, never had a problem again. Visually, coils looked fine, no cracks, resistance checked out when cold.