New Starter rebuild and new battery.... ISSUE with starting... baffles me... will not start on 1st crank attempt

ps you can purchase a starter relay 5 prong and it will/can replace any 4 prong relay.
hth herman
I don't know if it's on the same circuit but wonder if the starter motor current draw pulls down the voltage to the point where there's no spark or ecu trigger. Not sure why the second crank would change anything. Id look at the relays.
I changed the battery a few days after the starter. Never happend until the battery was changes. The old battery was a amazon china special pos that left me stranded a few times and it never happend then!
If it was a voltage drop.... it would have happend before.
But that's probably the beat critical thinking I have heard so far.
I don't know if it's on the same circuit but wonder if the starter motor current draw pulls down the voltage to the point where there's no spark or ecu trigger. Not sure why the second crank would change anything. Id look at the relays.

That second crank deal is very odd.
I have monitored the voltage at battery and at the positive coil terminal and it does not go below 10 volts and even with a battery charger putting out 15volts it would not trigger the #2 coil (easiest to check)
That second crank deal is very odd.
I have monitored the voltage at battery and at the positive coil terminal and it does not go below 10 volts and even with a battery charger putting out 15volts it would not trigger the #2 coil (easiest to check)
I think TURBO200R4 was on to something when he said first crank was slow because engine 's not firing and the second crank starts it because coils and plugs are now firing. Lead you to believe problem is with the ecu, hope that's not the case. Would be good if you knew someone who had a spare one you could swap out and try.
I am walking a thin line here i don't want to blast this thread with all the stuff I done i am looking for new ideas from the experts to solve his problem.
I don't think it's the ECU here. This may be a PIA to try but maybe take the starter motor out of the equation.

Disconnect it from bike system (electrically) and direct connect it to another battery sitting next to the bike that is fully charged (obviously) with different cables, don't use garbage jumper cables.

Crank it like normal and see if it fires up first shot and quickly. This would probably make targeting the issue much easier.
Still slow I'd look at the starter motor if it's faster and sparks up wiring relays or battery, then it's parts swapping time
Again, his never happend after the starter swap. It happend imidiatly after I swapped the battery, about 30 starts or so and most of them a cold start. It's not the starter.
So now it's been getting more operatic with some times it taking 3 or even 4th attempt to get it to start. And some times right kn the 1st try....
eventually I feel it's just not going to start. I'll have time to mess with it tomorrow.
I think I need to do a valve adjust asap. I just started having a cold running clunking tapping type of sound. Just started the last 3 cold starts. Goes away when warm.
So yea.... I'm just going to pile into a full maintenance day tomorrow

The #1 question that I dont know the answere to is .... what runs off the relay? Does the fuel injectors? Coils? Ect.