New Rocketeer in Texas


May 31, 2013
Fort Worth
2007 Rocket III Classic Tourer
It's been a long road to ownership of a Triumph Rocket III, I've been wanting one for a very long time. I initially joined TRIUMPHRAT about 2 years ago when I was about to purchase one. An agreement was made, I had the cash in my hand, shook hands on the deal, and the guy had to drive home to retreive the title...on the way, he was cut off in traffic and wrecked the bike! He ended up suffering only minor injuries as I was told, but the bike was totalled. As it turned out, I was about to undergo a little bit of a financial crisis anyways, so I guess it was a good thing I still had my money. Since then, l let's just say that Murphy's law has wreaked havoc in my life for the last couple of years and I have had a series of financial and family setbacks which have prevented me from getting a Rocket.

Finally, I am officially the owner of a 2007 Rocket III! About three weeks ago, I went out of state for my nephew's graduation and stopped by to look at this bike on the way. I hadn't really planned on it, but a deal was made and I ended up driving the bike to the graduation and then back home over the weekend. I'd say I put a little over 700 miles on it it 2 days which is the longest distance I have ever rode a motorcycle in such a short amount of time.

Let me just say that I felt like Superman taking flight as I rode North past the mountains with the blazing sunset to my West! The bike runs like a champ! Although I have been around bikes all my life and have over 30 years of riding experience, I have never owned such a mechanized wonder as this, I look forward to learning more about the performance, maintenance, and upkeep with this machine.
Congratulations on the new ride and welcome to the forum!! There are a few of us on here from Texas and the next RAA is gonna be in Leaky so we can ride the sisters. You should bring her down and show her off
it does look good on you where bouts in texas do you hail from? WELCOME unreal amount of knowledge here me ?I just sit back and absorb go look at my 07 classic wonder if I would like it on mine stay safe my brother in dallas just got runned over totaled his bmw stupid cagers
Welcome from DFW. That's great looking bike! Where exactly are you located?

Thanks guys, I wasn't too wild about the blue and white until I saw this in person. The original owner had the seat recovered to match the paint scheme. I'm in Keller (North Fort Worth).
Welcome from Germany (by way of Mississippi)!

There's a great dealership there in Irving if you ever find yourself in need.

I personally think you got the best stock color combination out there :D
G'day and Welcome from one of the Aussies .. glad you finally got your Rocket. Keep an eye on the Classified section ^ seats come up from time to time :D