Bike has been delivered!
The Triumph dealer is about an hour and then some away by car but I can't exactly drive there and ride a bike down. They could deliver but wanted 20,000 Yen (or $150ish in usd) but pff that! In the end it took me a bit more than two hours, three trains and one bus to get there which isn't so terrible.
Annnd we met for the first time!
Absolutely gorgeous! Even though having it be delivered on Christmas wasn't really the plan and just ended up being that date I couldn't actually ask for a better Christmas present hah. Even if it was from myself for myself
And a welcome surprise to boot! Previously I had gone to look at a different Rocket Storm at a different Triumph dealer in a different prefecture a few months back (was about late September) and that black Storm was also new but the tire on it was the Avon Cobras. I figured the one I would get would also have the Avons but as it turned out it has the new Metzeler Cruisetec's on! That was quite a happy discovery.
The dealer went over the controls with me and how to open the seat, where the ETC reader is (highway toll device for here in Japan), they told me to use only high octane fuel (93+), and some other stuff. Gave me a free t-shirt and then wheeled it out where I geared up hopped on realized I forgot where I put the key and did a double check then I was off! Since this thing is new and I'm not used to it quite yet as well I'm keeping it in rain mode for the time being as well (did the same on my Kawasaki for the break in first ~400km or so).
Some thoughts from the ride:
-Shifts really smoothly. Even though I have the quick shifter on it they suggested to not use for break in (was same on Kawasaki as well).
-Really stable thanks to those massive tires. Coming up slow to a stop felt like I could keep it up longer without needing to put the foot down.
-Quite easy to ride really even being as massive and powerful as it is. Not jerky felt smooth with power delivery.
-Those heated grips get HOT. Even on low setting was quite toasty. Ended up turning them off halfway for a bit.
-Stock muffler is quite nice sounding as it is and love the burble. Though I do think perhaps at some point I would like to try out the Werkes exhaust (black with baffles).
-Brakes are quite nice.
-Exhaust on right doubles as a nice leg warmer in the winter hah.
Quirks and things I need to get used to:
-Kawasaki has maybe given me a bad habit with their positive neutral finder which prevents you from going to neutral while bike is in motion. I ended up in neutral a few times before realizing what was happening.
-Bit taller than the Kawasaki as well so had a half second shock when I put my foot down at a stop and it didn't touch the ground like where it does when I ride the ZX4RR.
-Speaking of putting my foot down and something I am worried about is there is something my pant leg sometimes catches on when I put my leg down. Had it happen a few times on the ride down. Worried this may cause me to drop it at some point maybe need to just tuck my pants into my boots when I ride this one.
-With no fairings or wind shield definitely feel that wind at higher speeds but I can live with that.
Being the break in period I wanted to avoid the high speed toll way for the ride back so only took local roads. One of my favorite ramen
shops is right at the halfway point and being it was just about 12pm it was time for a lunch break anyway!
From the ramen shop to home was the easiest part of the ride as that is along what they call a 'bypass' road which is their version of a non-toll highway (still stop signals along the road but generally can drive tiny bit faster (~80kmph or so). Was the first time I could get it up to 4th gear.
After 60 some odd km I was finally safe and home! Still have to work rest of this week so won't be able to ride it again until the weekend which I am looking forward to!
Absolutely gorgeous!