New Rocket X Vance & Hines 4" Pro Pipe

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Pipe looks great. Just needs a few more mods and it will look like any other modded Roadster - maybe get the rest of the exhaust chromed next. Bye bye X. Oh well; whatever floats your boat.
Pipe looks great. Just needs a few more mods and it will look like any other modded Roadster - maybe get the rest of the exhaust chromed next. Bye bye X. Oh well; whatever floats your boat.
Be interesting to know how many X's will be bog stock in another 10 years
Are you ok mate? He is just trying to contribute.

Was just an opinion mate. Given that the X is only a different colour scheme and black exhaust, it seems an odd thing to spend the extra and then remove part of what makes it different to other Roadsters. That's all I was saying. I reckon that pipe looks great, and said so, and would probably consider one myself if I was doing exhaust. I couldn't care if he painted the whole thing orange but I'd most likely comment on that too.