New Rocket Owner

That is one nice looking ride. Looks like it has been well maintained. Were you able to get any history from the previous owner as to what was done to it? Being an earlier model, have any of the upgrades/recalls been done? Knowing that the tranny, torsional damper and electrics have been upgraded will give you peace of mind.

Ride safe and have fun.

PS - tell us how long it takes to 'wipe the smile off your face'.....
Welcome! Beautiful ride you got there...
Hello all! New Rocket owner here. Bought the bike today 05 Rocket 3 roadster. Any suggestions or pointer on what to do/not to do?
Welcome Mr Soliman , must I say what a stunning clean looking bike you have , enjoy it and ride it. The one pointer I will give (I learnt the hard way) always make sure you park it in the right places so you can get out with ease, the first day I got mine I went to my local biker cafe and parked just like I used to with my diavel or did I pay for it , slightly down hill front wheel near the wall. I couldn't get the beast back up so had to ask fellow bikers I felt so small asking but hey o needs must. So now when ever I'm going to park it up I always scan the area for the best possible place. Regards Mick.

Yes, I too resemble that remark...
WELCOME to ya, from WA Steat!
Very pretty . . . For a red.
FYI - black is faster.