New rocket owner in Atlanta.

The only thing so far that has bugged me is yesterday when I was stuck in terrible Atlanta traffic. I was putting the bike in neutral at the lights. A couple times it was hard as hell to get it back into first. I'd have to roll it and try until it popped in. Dont know if the factory oil got hot or if everything is still wearing in.

Adjust clutch.
WELCOME to ya, from WA State!
Congrats on the new ride! Welcome from Missouri! I just got mine in July, had a hard time getting in first sometimes too, now have 1600 miles and no issues.

Double clutch then drop into 1st. Works like a charm.
Welcome from New Zealand.
As you put it in gear, let the clutch out a little, then immediately pull it back in.
This will rotate the gears just a little and let it drop into gear smoothly.

Very nice bike