New Roadster

The short sissy bar, even with the pad, will more than likely not be "tall" enough for your wife.


78 dtg Dubai
79 dtg Home
Frank, go with the tall. She will like it alot better. Remeber your on thin ice already with her.
My wife did not like the short one at all. The taller is much better for her-when I can get her off the Bonnie.
You might try the Triumph web site and click on the "build your own" box and add the short sissy bar on from the accessories.
Frank Get the tall one. If the wife does not feel safe she will not ride. Also you may just lose her. You will be hesitant to use full torque when she is on the pilloin and this will spoil your riding
She just arrived. They're uncrating and cleaning her up. I'll have her home tomorrow. Just a little excited. Only mods to date will be the TOR's and tune until after breakin, then triple filters, bc mod and tuneboy.
What a change from a Bonnie to a Roadster.
two bikes

Congrats and enjoy the ride..absolutely totally different from your Bonny..I had an America and my R3T at the same time and once a week would take out the America and found that you could not "lug down" the America like the Rocket.The torque on the Rocket would pick right up without downshift while I would forget what I was rideing and sometimes almost stalled the America.Sold the America last year but at times wish I still had both.Just a mental thing that I could have worked out.So enjoy the Roadster and I bet that you will find the Bonny parked most of the time!!!

Frank -Hang on Tight your in for the Ride of your Life ! I'LL see you this Weekend . Let me know if you need any Help with It ! Charlie

Ten bucks that frank won't sleep till sunday night.
Fifty bucks that he has the biggist sh!t eatin grin in Texas.
Frank, if you need anything just call. Ken