New rears....or a really cheap Physio?

The ones I used were part number
For various Kawasaki big bikes, very very comfy and fit like a glove
The new me! ....apparently my original Avatar was considered sexually explicit by the administrators....that's a bugger!

Hope this one is not taken down for exploitation of animals, lol!
Ive just ordered a set of Progressives F&R for my R3T after the wife was dissatisfied with the standard rear shocks. I had a pair of Ikons on our Thunderbird and sent them back 3 times for repairs in the first 6 months. Never again. Plus I like the look of the Progressives.. not that you can see them
JC cycles in the USA - impressed by the service

EDIT : I fit the 412 s with the HD spring on the weekend and test rode with the little lady on the back - have questioned J&P if they sent the HD springs cause i could compress the rear end by pushing on it. On the lowest pre load setting the R3 bottomed out scraping the mufflers !!!!! On the highest setting its comfortable but still bottoms out on a hard hit - waiting for a response from J&P
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