New Rear Shock suggestions

make it home yet?how was arizona?a little warmer.I bet the @Rocket Scientist is freezing his #*&% off

Thanks for asking. I just got home last night at midnight. Was a good trip, I mostly beat the rain. Temps were cool, but not problematic. Dr. Id ride one range that was treacherous - wet & sandy up & downhill narrow roads.
Another ride now being planned that will come near you, possibly early June.
plan let me know early family reunion,uncles 50th wedding annivesary,a wedding,help brother build his dome house,going to be a busy many mile summer
Not all of us are Docs!
You be smart & fortunate!
It’s worth it of course. If not spending on bikes I’d waste it on some other junk. No matter how much a man makes you either spend it or save it. If you save and never spend it’s only numbers on an account.

You coming out this way in June?
Reactions: Jay
plan let me know early family reunion,uncles 50th wedding annivesary,a wedding,help brother build his dome house,going to be a busy many mile summer

Will do, My friend!
Sorry for the late reply. Its fracking cold here! For the 444 progressives I see only Harly Vereions on RevZilla, where would I buy the Triumph versions.

Also, if I saved up, what's the next step above the progressives you think? I've heard of wilbers , fox. I'm still trying to find other names