New R3T bling

The backrest for the standard comes with the trim pieces on the sides, why doesn't the touring? Is it covered by the bags or something so they think it's not necessary?
The backrest for the standard comes with the trim pieces on the sides, why doesn't the touring? Is it covered by the bags or something so they think it's not necessary?

Could be. I knew about the trim pieces when I ordered the backrest (thanks to this forum) but money was tight so deliberately left them off the order.

Now that I've got the backrest on my R3T I'm not too worried about not having the trim. They are mostly hidden by the hard bags, although I would like to add the trim at some point.
They seem to be made of the same stuff the bear claw is, don't see why one couldn't get industrious and just trim the stock parts to work. After all, thats all the new ones were that came with mine .... just cut down for the sissy bar brackets.
The edges wouldn't even have to be perfect, they come trimmed with a slip on black plastic edging strip.