New R3s

Sorry, Mel its beem a long day I should have read it about 6 times before I clicked post. You surely did not say anything to piss me off. Now let me look and see who else I need to apologize to.
We’re good. Honestly you talk over my head sometimes, not that your trying, it’s just I don’t understand bike geometry as well as you and some of the other guys. I’ll try and keep up and might could learn a few more things
Simple, buy an old one first!
You confuse me on ground clearance. raise the rear axle center line .415" yet lower the front axle centerline .590" . All you did was move the ground clearance . Kind of like a flip flop of the ground clearance. Not sure thats a gain ?

Must be the Polish . . .
All I be saying, Amigo, is a rear axle high as your legs will allow is best, IMHO.
As you state, the front axle should indeed be lower than the rear (within the limits of proper trail).
That 18" tire you spoke of sits the rear axle quite a bit lower to the ground than the OEM wheel with a 240/55R17.
That reduces your ground clearance and then the front axle must be lowered even more to compensate.

Thinking about the axle alignment, I wonder if they do this to improve the stability during hard braking since they under-spring the front of every single triumph ever.


It's just an effect of the "pick n pull" tire size selection.
Some what but first off 240/50r16 is oem not the 55. The 55 is a substitute. And either rear does wash when your drastically lower the front end before the springs compress. More for you my large friend less for my scrawny arse. So you might be raising the arse but you massively lowering the front axle. I would think that negates some of your ground clearance in the front and worse when your diving into the corner. Also its such a severe down angle it feels ruffer because of all the weight transfer. Again much more weight transfer for you.

But hey your happy I'm just giddy over how my suspension is working. I can't wait to hit the twisties Friday for more realistic testing !

I’m with you on this...every new Triumph looks too scaled down to me. I’m sure when I see it as it looks in the pics the rider will seem perched on top of it. I hope not but fear this will be the case.

Note I stated wheel, not tire. The rear wheel is OEM, unlike yours.
I do not follow your prose.
With the best tire setup, the front axle is about a half inch lower than the rear.
If you do the same, starting with a rear sxle closer to the ground, you will reduce lean angle!
Tis all I'm sayin' here.

So it looks like youre going the ducati way then??....dont be looking at Triumphs no more!!....Dont even ride one for gods sake!!...geez!!
This new Rocket does a lot of haters on here.
Not me!!...I mean, how can there be so many negative opinions on this bike??? hasnt even been unwrapped yet!!...All this negativity from people who are judging a bike on what?.....come on least ride one first...
My current rocket is great, but its not a track bike...its a road is the new Rocket.