New R3 Owner


Standard Bore
Sep 26, 2012
Rio Rancho NM
Hello I'm new to the site, Just bought a 2008 Rocket 3 with 1800 miles on it out here in Alburquerque about a month ago. It is an amazing bike, never seen anything like it and i'm very happy to know i'm one of a select few if any who owns this bike here in NM. Currently trying to become a member of an MC that allows any type bike in their club, and it's funny to watch people when they first see my bike, just the pure shock and awe of it makes me smile every time. Hope to get to know everyone and thanks for having this site!
Where in Albuquerque? Haven't been there in awhile, but am familiar with the town (graduated from Sandia High (and the school too in 1971)).

(If you remember the 70's, you weren't there.)
Welcome from Cypress Texas. Enjoy the new ride.
welcome to the site nufsaid, and Rockethood.
That's kinda like fatherhood,
but tends to be more expensive.
there's another Rocket in NM somewhere.
Site handle is NMRocket.
Don't know how far apart you guys live,
but it's only miles and ya'll both ride Rockets
so it wouldn't take long to meet up.
What MC you looking to join?
Take care and ride safe.