New R3 owner here. It's a 2005 classic (with bags). Just picked it up last week and have been going through and replacing all the fluids. I have replacement headlight LEDs on order and I'm still deciding which tires I'll be going with (both front and back, front is pretty bald, back not so much). Lastly and most important; which sticker to put on the windshield.
This website has been invaluable for information and the community seems overall a friendly and positive bunch. Hope to see some of you on the roads out there.
Welcome from Australia
Nice choice of bike
I ru a Dunlop Elite3 on the front with the Bridgestone Exedra Max on the rear.
As others have said watch the pressures as she is a heavy girl
Welcome from Australia
Nice choice of bike
I ru a Dunlop Elite3 on the front with the Bridgestone Exedra Max on the rear.
As others have said watch the pressures as she is a heavy girl
Seen quite a few people pitch in on that bridgestone. How does that Dunlop Elite3 run? I've got an avon up front that I need to replace and the shop owner has been less than impressed when I was pricing out tires.
Welcome from sunny Florida, enjoy the bike I have two Rockets one being a 2005 I bought new in 2005, now you say it is a classic post a picture if you can as the classic did not come out till 2006
easy to tell the difference
Classic came with floorboards
had different shaped silencers
has more pull back handlebars
a modified seat
As the great Peter Fonda would say lose the windshield
I guess it's not a classic then? It has floorboards so I guess they were added later.
I pulled the windshield to polish it up as it was looking a little scummy.