New R3 owner and huge fan


Standard Bore
Oct 28, 2009
Omaha, Ne
I bought my 2007 R3 standard about 3 months ago and can't get enough. I have put the Jardine Big Boss exhaust and had the 'engine upgrade kit' installed about a month ago (alleviated the first to second gear slip amoung other things). Since the upgrade the bike runs unbelievable. I have been looking into adding the GI Pro Gear Indicator and whatever else will improve performance. Any (and i'm sure there's plenty) suggestions on what else i can do to improve performance (torque and hp). Can't say enough about the WOW factor this bike gives me everytime i ride. Already have my first speeding ticket within a month of owning and plan on getting more. Anyone else have this problem?
Bikes i've owned: 2005 Honda VTX 1300 and '83 Yamaha Virago 750

Have you seen the video's for the 2010.... God, that just sounds and looks like an animal. Baddest production bike on the planet, hands down!!!

You and I are on about the exact plan...Purchased my left over 07 new and took delivery in early Sept 09. I too am having an absolute blast. I did the Jardines. Love the sound. Not sure what engine upgrade you are speaking of...

I am having a hard time of figuring out weather I want to build a "touring" bike with beetle bags and a fleetliner from Corbin or keep it naked with just the painted to match sport screen I have not...I love that look but like to ba able to haul some stuff on trips. Wind protection is oftentimes under rated.

Just purchased a Corbin Rumble seat second hand for great price can't wait to get that...I really want to avoid any type of back rest...while still allowing 2 up...this is the only seat that will doe this .

Sorry for the ramble...Congrats!
Welcome to the site, we need pics for proof of ownership:D I never grow tired of looking at pics of what people have done to their rocket!
welcome from tn
you get to many tickets then you will have to push your rocket wherever you go:)
Likewise, welcome. I. like you, am a newbie R3 owner (subdivision R3T) and have not even scratched the surface of my new ride as I am still breaking her in. Photos will be forthcoming over the approaching long weekend as will several hundred more miles on the odometer.

Welcome from Afghanistan. You might not want to try for too many tickets as the 'ol insurance will start eating your bank account.


9-11 dtg Kandahar
13 dtg Dubai
14 dtg Home