New Owner in Bucks County PA

Joe Rocket

.020 Over
Jul 18, 2010
Bucks County, PA
Hello Everybody,

I've been riding Bonnevilles the last two years as a re-entry rider. Loved the things, but not suitable for two up fifty something year olds.

Took two test drives two weeks ago, and traded the Bonneville in on an '09 Rocket III Tourer. Have three hundred miles on it breaking it in. Awesome power, but incredibly heavy. Can't wait to to take it on some longer rides.
Welcome Joe. That's about what I did. Rode an America four months and traded for something a little bigger... Ok , three times bigger:)
Welcome from Afghanistan, used to hang out in Bucks County in the late '70's before I married a "Joisey" girl.

Enjoy the ride, the Tourer isn't that heavy....especially once it gets moving.


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