New Norton

I just re read my first post and noticed that Jap got censored what's going on. The word started with Ja and ended with p.
Jap is, or was, a major supplier of engines to many manufacturers. Read all about it here:***.htm

Now it is censoring the URL to a fine and informative website. If you want to go there, then substitute a J, and an A, and a P, where the asterisks replaced them, but they must be upper case.
I think some kiddie got into the censorship jar.
That really is ridiculous. I realise that J A P is a derogatory acronym in the US but I was under the impression this was an international site. Come on @webmaster get real!
I think the problem is that some words can have multiple meanings, like hump, root, shag.

Spendy to be sure and the waiting is likely expected for a nearly "One-off" motorcycle!
Out of my range, but Still a BEAUTY!
It looks gorgeous. First thing I noticed was the forks. Much as I like one, I'd be waiting to see what Triumph comes out with later in the year.

Sounds like there is MORE to your story, Mate???

What a ridiculous insult to John Alfred Prestwich!!!
Me thinks this censorship is OVER THE TOP!
How about Nip?

You know the Cannibal Cop from New York can write about the most gruesome and horrible crap imaginable, BUT we are not allowed to write D-A-M-N or J-A-P!!!