New mystery Triumph to be announced next week

Spokes are mandatory on some styles. Love 'em!

Love the looks on them John but I won't ride a bike that has traditional spokes and tube tires out of town. My daughter's 06 Speedmaster had mags and they looked good. My wariness about conventional spoke wheels is from having 4-5 flats since 2003, riding the US and Canada and seeing a lot of spoke wheel Harley riders sitting alongside the road awaiting the tow truck. My flats were on mag wheel bikes. I plugged them and was on my way.

Yeah, but they surely do look purty on that Speedmaster.
Except California. A huge amount of Euro4 was based on California regs.

Be interesting to know how many Rocket3's have been sold in California? I am assuming that the same regs dont apply to other US States?? Since joining this forum I have been surprised at the amount of R3 owners that are from the USA, for some reason I thought there would be few that would digress from a Harley. Triumph has always been relatively popular in Australian (having owned a few myself) I found the biggest problem was the constant oil leaks and a lack of reliability in the early models, but since their revival many years ago they seem to have dealt with the earlier issues and have learned how to produce a reliable, good looking and a vast range of both retro and modern style motorcycles. It would be very sad indeed if the Rocket3 was dropped from that range, of course if it was replaced with a ROCKET4 or a ROCKET6 then they might be excussed for dropping it, but then again, if we lose the iconic 3 cylinder in the big boy bikes from the British line-up that is sure to make it very difficult to "keep a smile on our dial". Also are the same changes to the emission laws going to contribute to the demise of the other brands with large capacity engines? or are they going to re-engineer the existing models to make them complient?. Realistically if Triumph changed to a diesel motor and added a turbo they could probably continue with the model and they could call it a 3D ROCKET or with electronic fuel injection a "ROCKET ED 3", or "3D EFI ROCKET" or if they went nitrious (which is the one I like the most) it could be called an
"EFIN ROCKET 3" just a thought from down under hahaha you will have to excuse the drivel its been a long weekend here in good old oz celebrating "Australia Day"
Alright Captains: "It's the rules !"

Y'all have been wondering about the moderation messages you have been receiving, and no, there was nothing wrong, or no one did anything wrong.

The reason, is, "It's the rules."

The thread was started in the forum "Newsroom", which is hard coded to be moderated.

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By the coding, each person who replied, was seen by the site software as trying to submit a new news article, and thus was moderated.

I therefore moved the thread to the forum Bearclaw Corner, with a link to the original post in the Newsroom forum.

I hope that helps.