New mystery Triumph to be announced next week

My guess is that the pending announcement from Triumph could involve another iteration of their relatively recently "reworked" 1200cc mill.
Well, it doesn't seem to matter what changes they're making to the existing line up, nothing will have the same untamed guts and bravado as the Rocket. Everything is being 'tamed' via green legislation and political shenanigans resulting in a very lame product. I tried the 1600 but wasn't impressed and went ahead and bought a Yamaha XVS1300. Fine, but you couldn't lean without scraping the floor boards (they were HUGE) and the rev limiter was set sooo low it cut in every time you wanted to over take! So when the new V6 Rocket Especial comes out...
I've looked at some of the you tube videos of Triumph's factory, and assembly line, and can sorta see where some problems might arise. They have all models coming through the line, in different orders. I can see where some things might get left out, or installed wrong.
Last time we got the bobber.

Is there a new America or Speedmaster on the revised platform yet?

Also the new Daytona 765 is a possibility as well.

But really, my heart is hoping for a new R3

New Speedmaster has already been unveiled. This is the Highway package
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Oh my but what a beauty she is and with the bags and windscreen. I think I'll start a Go Fund Me account for a new Speedmaster and hope each and every one of you will contribute. I also want the bags and windscreen so please be generous.

Oh heck, I just noticed that it has spokes, an unrepairable flat tire waiting to happen. No thanks.