New member in Japan: 30A fuse blowing (horn, turn signals)


Aug 3, 2014
Fairfax, Virginia
Triumph: 2014 Rocket III Touring
@Lee PM'd me (don't know how I got picked - but with someone who has never posted, anything can happen) and wrote:

"My 30a fuse that is connected to my horn and turn signals shorted out and did so again within ten minutes of being replaced. I'm on tour now and need to repair it prior to my long trip home. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!"

His profile is incomplete -- he says he has a Roadster (year unknown) - my guess is he is military stationed in Japan -- just a guess.
Reactions: Lee
It is possible he has short in ether his horn or turn signals I suggest he unplugs his horn first as it is something you can go with out in the short term, if it still blows a fuse with the horn unplugged I would suggest he checks his wiring to the turn signals, in particular where it goes under the rear mud guard as it can come adrift and partial wear thru on tyre.
That what I would be doing
Firstly check the horn as I have come across them shorting out within themselves
@Lee - please see above.

And when you get a chance, please go to the forum "Introduce Yourself !!", and ... just do it.

And while there, you can see the sticky on how to update your profile, and again, just do it. It makes a big difference in folks' willingness to help.

Welcome to the forum, and we look forward to getting to know you.
Thanks for the advice, I will let you know how it turns out...
Wiring diagram in my signature.

But not for his Roadster

@Lee .... wrote:

"My 30a fuse that is connected to my horn and turn signals shorted out and did so again within ten minutes of being replaced ....

That should be a 15A fuse
(If it blows just fit a bigger one, right?)

Well clearly, if is that fuse that is blowing it has to be one of those three circuits - horn, turns or brake light
And why the fuse does not blow immediately when replaced, until the offending one is actually operated.

So the first troubleshooting exercise is to replace it (with a 15A this time!!!) and operate each of those three in turn until one of them blows the fuse.
Then proceed from there to find the issue with that circuit
I had to reduce these due to forum restrictions to 1600 pixels.
If you wish larger versions send me a PM with your email.
Hope this helps:
@1olbull Perhaps you changed the font to match the background . . . can't see it. Edit ?

Look again - I accidentally hit the "Post Reply" button instead of the "Upload a File" button.
Web site restrictions of 1600 pixels forced me to edit (reduce) the file sizes.
Hope your new friend has real good eyes!