Bob. L
Standard Bore
Hi all, Bob and new to the forum. I have 2020 3GT, went to take bike out for a ride about 5 weeks ago, started ok, but then noticed the display was very dim and flickering, then it blanked with only the warning leds remaining active. Switched it off and on closer inspection the whole of the inside of the screen was wet! Contacted.the dealer (Destination, Christchurch, Dorset) to be told 'Ah sorry, its just out of warranty and not covered'. Cost of a replacementless fitting, £1300. Long story very short, I wasn't going to accept warranty as the issue, this was clearly a complete component failure, so I took it to Triumph GB. After review, they decided to replace the unit free of charge as a gesture of will. The bike has stood since that intial event as when I turned on the ignition the horn activated and the left turn signal warning light stayed on, clearly I did not risk further damage so left it alone, they are collecting it this morning, I will incur the fitting cost (half an hours labour) On checking this morning the complete screen has cracked from top to bottom. I noticed the small crack had appeared before the issue and did a search hence me finding the forum, the crack has since appeared over the last week, expansion/contraction and moisture combination maybe, can't be vibration, its not started, no weight been applied either. I have attached a couple of pics (hopefully) Sorry for the long post but thought it may useful info.