New Lithium battery

since i went back to a sealed lead acid in the Triumph and Goldwind, i haven't had any problems in the cold at all
But that's old school, I want new hotness. And it may be that I must follow suit.
I'm looking at engine block heaters and battery warmers now. Maybe one of these will work. How does a dang snowmobile start in subzero temperatures?!?
WELL the best lithium battery is a 720 Cranking amp that fits the Rocket dont use the smaller ones because they cost less just sacrafice your beer intake and use your money for your Rocket

i do not like explaining some one else's words i might get it wrong.
i under stand what he is saying but would be better to do the eastern beaver. on a 2013 it is probably all ready fixed. what most want to accomplish is taking the headlights (current) out of the ign circuit.
now i did something to mine and it took the starter relay current out of the ign. by removing one of the wires and replacing it with a bat wire. the one problem with that is if the relay should jam on the starter will keep cranking till something bad happens.
Move on down here Art we have 365 days a year riding , a couple of cold days in 30s that is when you put on two sets of underwear
I did 2 years ago and it was way too hot in the summer no thanks it was nice for the winter months but I was a snow bird for 30 years staying in Lauderdale and KEY WEST where we had a waterfront Condo but I like the summers here in Pa and NJ
But that's old school, I want new hotness. And it may be that I must follow suit.
Have a chat with somebody like i-tecc in Germany. Tell them what you need and the space you have - They'll make it.
I have in the past built an 16aH 1120CCA Li battery - I could weld with it.
Was made with A123Systems 8aH cells - sadly discontinued. The biggest they do now is 2.5aH - So you need more cells

Paramount is the use of A123Systems cells.
These have a MUCH higher Store/Discharge ratio.

Itecc 720A LiFePO4 Starterbatterie 12V 15Ah im Gehäuse Balancer inside i-tecc LiFeEnergy
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But that's old school, I want new hotness. And it may be that I must follow suit.

I went with a AGM battery in my Dodge Ram..... what a POS. I went back to lead acid and have not had any problems since. I wouldn't even think about not using a lead acid battery in my Roadster after having bad experience with "new hotness".

My Roadster would crank over slowly in cold weather. It would crank but I was concerned that if it was colder it might not crank.
I did the following. Not sure if the starter mod can be done on the Touring but I don't see why not.

a) Installed new lead acid battery. I can't remember CCA at this point but after two years the OEM battery had lost it's pep.
b) Upgraded the positive and negative cables to larger cables.
c) Installed a bigger starter. (Mod can be found on the other R3 site)

The starter turns over the engine MUCH faster now in cold weather.