New Indian

Spot on there Blackthou, we ride 2 up 99% of the time. The R3's HP and Torque makes life so much more pleasant. We can keep up with the rest without ringing the guts out the motor.
Brother Croft, I disagree with you sir. I have helped many people, maybe a hundred or more, to pick their first bike. I have never really concerned them with HP or TQ, but instead with physical size as compared to their own. Any bike can be stupid fast if not ridden well. And the Grom has hurt a lot of people becasue it is so fun to ride, at least that's what the moto-jounalists says.
A first bike needs to be one that gives the new rider confidense and one they can plant both feet on the ground. I think the Scout is one of those kind of bikes for a lot of folks. Especially with 100 HP as it will help keep more accomplished riders in the saddle as well.
To that point, the little Ninja 500 is a super bike in my little world. I bought one for my last wife and she learned to ride on it and decided she liked it better than the Ducati Monster that she wanted before. My fifth kid learned on that bike then moved to an R6. The sixth kid started on the little Ninja and moved to a Ninja 1000. Now my last kido learned on it and is looking for a cruiser. All of these four people were between 5' 3" (the old wife) and 5' 8" when they began. All three boys are taller than me now (I'm 5'9") but we all love to get on that little ninja and tear up the mountain roads.
The Indian line up looks good to me. When I am able to add another bike to my one horse stable, I might look to Indian myself. I like many of their rides but then again I like about a dozen other bikes to for thier own merit. Can't see parting with my Rocket ever though; it will be my keeper.
I think everybody should start out on a 100-125 c.c. dirt bike and not be allowed on the street til they've broken off every extruding part on the bike. All my kids and grandkids(that are in my life) start out in the dirt and most bikers/not mid life crisis'rs that traded their golf clubs on a harley/have a significant advantage because of the experience. My buddy put his wife thru a riders training coarse and spent dozens of weekends tipping cones back up in vacant parking lots preparing her for her license, but, stuff happens fast on a bike and fear paralyzes, causes panic, etc. So put them in the dirt where cars won't run them over while they learn their limits.
My favorite Indian so far, The rear suspension looks suspect with those nearly horizontal shocks but at $11k it looks like a lot of machine.
I have test ridden most of Indians line up except the scout..I am to big for it...they build a very nice v twin cruiser...It Is definitely NOT a harley...handles WAY better...better power,,It is in need of a tuner to help with the drive by wire flat spot,and the factory big exhaust is a must...Im pretty sure it they will break 110mph bone stock...the road master we rode last hit 100mph pretty easy (for a v twin cruiser) with both the wife and me on it...for me the Triumph rocket 3 is what my heart desires right now so an r3 it will be....but....if i find a way to swing it I will probably own a road master for more comfortable 2 up riding someday....P.S. Ive ridden plenty of harley too...they really dont compare to the Indian IMO
Been on all of the new Indians except the Scout. Like the looks but they are more compact like an HD at 6'4" 260 i feel very cramped.
Im hoping Indian gets the option packages to the level of HD soon..different seat positions and handlebar options would be a big plus for us man sized men
I agree with Bob and Steve - The Scout is the pick of the Indian litter, IMHO.
I remember when they reserected the company and they first came out at a steep price of $30+K too rich for my blood. Two of my buddies both have older indians, they always got a big crowd surounding their bikes when we came out of a bar or restaurant. When the company went under again i almost bought a glossy black one with a brown leather seat but the price was still too high for what it was.. They are nice looking bikes though...
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