New Guy from South Dakota

WELCOME to our R3 Family from Miami, FL... and get mentally prepared for you new Perma-Grin Sweet Aprilia
Well here she is. Probably spent 3 hours in the rain riding it back to my house from the dealer. British bike came with some British weather. Talk about authentic. Cleared up just before I got home. Went out to eat and decided to ride again. What happens, it starts raining again. Did get to experience spinning the rear tire after the weather cleared up jumping on the interstate. That was fun.

She be beautiful...Congrats bud!
I would suspicion it's hereditary when it comes to weather and a new Trumpy. I rode my first Triumph home in a snow rain mix back in 1999 (Trophy 1200). I also managed to drop it in a parking lot with 16 miles on the odometer. Learned a couple lessons. One was don't go to steering lock and then hit the front brake, you'll never like the result. Enjoy the new wheels (and bike wash).
Bad black to the bone and welcome to Rocket ownership and to the forum. I had to smile at your comment about British weather going with a Brit bike. We used to say that about the 50s-60s 650 Triumphs, several that I still have. They were made for, and like, the British weather. It seemed that whenever I got on one of them, it clouded up.