New guy from Portland

Hello Harry and welcome from Virginia. I have the 2014 R3T and had them add the TORs slip-ons and new flash. The sound is right where I like it to be, not obnoxious and the neighbors don't complain when I leave out at 5am each morning. The added power was noticeable as well, though not nearly as much as the Carpenter kits or other mods. Still, it works great for me and the Pretty Pillion.
I smiled when you said, "Wanted something momma could be comfy on the back of and was considering either a BMW or a Ducati". I haven't met anyone who likes riding on the back of a Duc. That is funny to me.
Anyway, welcome to the site and to the world of torque.
Welcome from NJ, enjoy your new ride!! The triumph tune for the TORS is ok, but if you put in trips tune it will wake her up a little more!! Enjoy!!
Welcome from Scotland.Enjoy the new bike!
Yeah, she'll be happier on this than a Duc, she likes the Can Ams, but i'm not there yet.
Thinking an EGlide trunk down the road will keep her good and comfy.
Yeah, she'll be happier on this than a Duc, she likes the Can Ams, but i'm not there yet.
Thinking an EGlide trunk down the road will keep her good and comfy.
Look around on the forum and you may find other trunks as well. When you do add a few things, be sure to let us all know; knowledge is power...
Welcome Harry from Florida the accessory mufflers get rid of the cats añd have a mellow rumble to them not loud though.Others here will guide you to TuneECU and the Power Tripp tune which will wake the R3T up ..

Welcome from Wyoming. Glad to have you aboard. Fingers pretty much nailed it. Get the Jardines and loose the cat. travel a few parking lots and listen to the car alarms chirping