New England / North East Ride?

I have seen a few additional New England riders the past day or two. Putting this back up to see if we can get some additional interest from the other Rocket Riders.
I don't think that getting specifics from a group this size will yield anything useful. A number of people have expressed interest: If you're game Rick (or whomever), set a time and place and see who can join. I think having specifics to adjust or change will work better than trying to get ideas in general.
At least that will give us a start.
At this point I'm not a planner, but would welcome suggestions, and am glad to travel. Also, ready to offer what small knowledge I have of Maine, and can perhaps join in anyone passing through or planning some downeast riding along the Maine coast. I'm very interested in riding east to Nova Scotia, and really would enjoy meeting some Rocket hooligans of the northeast region.
Why'z Herman Munster dressed up like a cop

To my knowledge, that was Fred Gwynn's (Herman's) breakthrough role on the idiot box (TV) waaaay back in 1961. He was a neighbor of my wife's family when she was a young girl and, I'm told, a wonderfully amiable and cerebral man.

OK. So I liked the June 2-4 Bennington Bash Triumph Gathering in Bennington, VT. Lets do it.
Phil mentioned the Gray Ghost Inn (and Kitzhof Inn). I have stayed at GGI several times and can endorse it enthusiastically. Not overly fancy, but warm, welcoming and rider friendly. Breakfast included, and if there is a large enough group, a special dinner could be arranged. Lots of room to hang out, swimming pool and an excellent front porch and rear deck.

It is in a great riding area, right on VT Rt 100 near Mount Snow in West Dover, VT. Bennington is about a 45 minute ride and of course you have all of Rt 100 and several "over the mountains" routes to choose from.

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