New England / North East Ride?

Anyone too far away that's interested, you could fly into Buffalo, I have multiple extra bikes and extra bedrooms
ACK is Nantucket, to use local vernacular, in the same way Boston is BOS, Philadelphia PHL, Dallas DFW,
I have lived on Cape Cod my entire life and did not know that. I guess I just dont pay too much attention. Thanks for sharing that.
Good feedback and some indications that there are more of us in this region of the country than many of us might have assumed.

If anyone here has the online chops to do it, putting up a map showing the home location of interested Captains & their parties would really help to simplify choosing a few centralized locations that would make good sense to utilize as a base of operations/point of departure. Another possibility would be to organize a progressive meet and greet that would allow for some folks (day or overnight riders) from disparate locations to participate more locally to them at certain staging areas and others (tourers) to participate more extensively from locale to locale.

Where are all the lurkers in the Tri-State region??? I know you're out there...

Jim (Jag), I feel your pain. It ain't so easy living at or below the Mason-Dixon line and bein' a Piney and all...
Nice location but ACK is an expensive and boring place to ride.

I'm all for getting together somewhere along the southern Downeast coast of Maine (Damiriscotta at the head end of the Pemaquid Peninsula comes to mind). Interesting riding and coastal points of interest from around Camden south to Brunswick and an easy/awesome ride from that area several hours west to the majesty of the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The problem with that for me is one of time and distance or distance and time.

Not to be a fly in the ointment, but I get the sense that many of us in this part of the world are either not touring-type riders (that's me, to date) or that time or other constraints may pose problems for some of us (like me) participating in a larger scale event . Maybe several of us could organize/host a number of more locally-based meet and greets, to both familiarize Captains with one another in our "home" areas as well as to gauge interest and ability to go for something bigger and then, after such mini-meets we can elicit those that would like to participate in a longer or more far-flung meet up? Kinda' a "crawl before you walk and walk before you run" approach.
I'm at the way far end of NY, and Vermont is just around the corner, practically neighbors.

Saratoga Springs area is central to a lot of great scenery, historic pts. of interest and awesome riding. Looking at a map of the Northeast it appears to be a multidirectional focal point for many states coming from most directions.

I solo the Cape a lot ,usually stop in Orleans for lunch then on to P-Town and stop at the Marshland in Sandwich for dinner. It's about a 164 miles round trip. I think Vermont would be more of a scenic route and more interesting. JMO..
I solo the Cape a lot ,usually stop in Orleans for lunch then on to P-Town and stop at the Marshland in Sandwich for dinner. It's about a 164 miles round trip. I think Vermont would be more of a scenic route and more interesting. JMO..
I do too, I live in Sandwich. Grew up in Chatham during the summers. It's a good ride down 6A. A lot of great places to stop and have a sandwich and a beer. Anytime you are up for a ride let me know. I have a pretty flexible schedule. Which Marshland do you stop at? The one on Cotuit Rd is right down the street from my house.
Phil you have some great advice and thoughts. I was thinking about keeping this somewhat small and localized. I see Eric R is in palmer and made a great suggestion about western, Ma and the Berkshires. A Beautiful area for riding. I like the down eats Maine idea as well. I wasnt planning on going any further than western, MA or even up to VT but if we have a popular consensus of riders that would be intersting that could work.

This all started when I noticed Eric R and he is in Palmer, MA. I have talked with TRIIICK in the past about meeting for a ride in Plymouth as we only live a town apart. So it was about meeting local riders, as local as Palmer is to Cape Cod. I am certainly not trying to exclude anyone. I would like to meet all of the Rocket Captains here eventually somehow.

I have East Tex and Jim on my target list too. Those are being worked on. Anyway let's keep tossing ideas around, its getting good.
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Rick, you gotta meet Phil! I haven't met him in person but he & I talk on the telly & email some & he is just as stand up of a guy as there is. Gold, baby Gold!
You & Phil are both on my bucket list to meet in person