For anyone coming from NY/NJ Vermont is just a haul up the pike. Burlington is a bunch of hours from me on Maine, NH, and Vermont state routes. I'm in.
Let's get a comprehensive list of any and all that are interested and we'll go from there. We have plenty o' time as the weather Gods in the Northeast don't play nice until mid to late May.
Kudos to you, Mr, Morris for getting this ball rolling.
BTW, TRIIICK does an annual ferry ride out to Nantucket with some of his ratpack around mid-May, I believe. Plenty of options fanning out back onshore (southwest to northwest) from there.
Burlington is a great ride.....Mt Killington has a nice off season rate with a nice bar and pool. Nantucket and the Vineyard can get pricey and is only good for a day trip. P-Town is good if you like Fairy's......
Burlington is a great ride.....Mt Killington has a nice off season rate with a nice bar and pool. Nantucket and the Vineyard can get pricey and is only good for a day trip. P-Town is good if you like Fairy's......
Burlington is a great ride.....Mt Killington has a nice off season rate with a nice bar and pool. Nantucket and the Vineyard can get pricey and is only good for a day trip. P-Town is good if you like Fairy's......
I stayed in that hotel for the last Goodguys show that was there. Not a bad place to stay. Burlington is a pretty nice area. But I really think if we get some of the East Coast folks including me out on the Cape it can be a long ride for some. The ride from the Cape isn't awful but coming from East Coast Maine and NH can be a long ride.
7 hour ride for me with no stops (gas,break, weather) may slow me down to Pico/ Killington center of the state may be a good base camp. The only people up there are hikers and the rates are good. May need a couple of martinis to kill the pain once I get there!!! Mid June fri,sat, sun, mon, would be nice. Never rode in the mountains before ( I'm a flat lander) I hope I could get @TriumPhil to go??
Just my thoughts, going to make another martini, second shift is killing me!!
I am from west central MA, and I would like to meet some of this group. Not trying to be partial to my home state, but MA is kind of centralized as far as New England goes. I spend pretty much all of my riding time in the Berkshire hills, Mohawk Trail areas of western MA. A little of VT and NY also. Great riding!
I'm interested in VT,NH,ME,MA & upper NY. If it's OK, I would like to add my name to the list. I'm from lower CT.
Nantucket and the Vineyard don't really turn me on, they are just about big enough to ride a bicycle around for a weekend.
Bucket list for me someday is a Nova Scotia ride.